
The University College Dublin estate is comprised of a significant portfolio of land and properties, with a wide range of asset types and uses.

The University estate is made up of over 400,000m2 of building space over two main campuses, Belfield and Blackrock. Belfield is an expansive, 133 hectare biodiverse campus, hosting teaching, learning, innovation and research facilities, the primary administrative services of the University as well as the University’s comprehensive sports and recreational facilities. UCD is also home to approximately 3,000 student residences, located on both the Belfield and Blackrock campuses.

Estates Services aims to deliver a consistently high level of service that offers value for money, evolves to meet changing demands and helps others to deliver teaching, learning, research, innovation and other activities on campus.

Managing the University Estate


Developing and managing the estate in a way that minimises environmental impact and creating a “living laboratory” for sustainability

Functional Estate

Maintaining and conserving our existing buildings, managing space, and providing facilities for study, work and research. Find what you need using our services map.

Capital Projects

Delivering world class buildings for engaging teaching, outstanding learning, leading research and efficient administration


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