Before you leave the campus this long weekend we would like to take the opportunity to update you on the University energy performance so far this year, as well as asking you once again to please switch-off before you go!
The relatively mild weather has meant we have been consuming less gas than normal, but the really impressive story is in terms of electricity usage. Our adherence to our ISO50001 energy management system is leading to savings from initiatives such as the switch-off campaign, continued optimisation of control strategies, LED lighting upgrades, as well as regular checks and reporting procedures. This year to date, Belfield electricity usage is 3% less than last year, (excluding student residences) which when considering the increased activity on-campus and the increase in student numbers is very impressive. A big thank you to all of those who are switching-off each evening and weekend!
Once again, the three days over a bank-holiday weekend gives us an excellent chances to improve our performance further. Please switch-off all non-essential equipment, for example computers, laptops, printers, monitors and screens or non-essential laboratory equipment such as drying ovens and fume-cupboards. Where possible please switch-off at the socket; this ensures no “vampire power” is being consumed by the device over the weekend.
Have a great weekend and Happy Halloween!
UCD Energy Unit