SAFETY - DO NOT chance it!
If worried about your safety, call the University Emergency Line.
UNICARE is a community approach to promote the personal safety of all students, staff and visitors of University College Dublin as well as the wider UCD community through awareness, active partnership and prevention.In order to ensure a safe and secure environment in UCD it is vital everybody plays their part in looking out for their own safety and for the safety of others.
Safety in the University is promoted through a 24/7, 365 days a year security presence on campus, CCTV footage, number plate recognition system, foot and driver patrols, an emergency phone line, red emergency phones located in various buildings on campus, social media and website notifications, safety advice and guidelines, Walk Safe Service as well as other safety tips and advice given via various forms of media and campaigns throughout the year. UCD Estate Services work closely with An Garda Siochana in relation to threats to persons and property.
The emergency line, 01 716 7999, which is operated 24 hours a day can be used to request assistance, the Walk Safe Service or to report any issues regarding personal safety and security of property on campus. Assistance will be immediately provided in response to your call. All staff involved in UNICARE are fully trained and professional in their dealings with all members of UCD at all times.
The success of UCD UNICARE depends on the on-going cooperation and vigilance of all UCD staff, students, visitors and community members. Community members are encouraged to adopt personal security precautions such as:
- Use the services of the University
- Walking in groups, especially late at night in the more isolated parts of campus and using the Walk Safe Service
- Locking bicycles securely in bicycle stands
- Not leaving valuables in cars or lying around campus
- Reporting suspicious persons and behaviour
- Exercise vigilance at all times on campus